
Jacqueline Calle


Jacqueline Calle

Welcome! Representing the Anderson County and Upstate area of SC, I am committed to helping current and future homeowners buy and sell their homes. Whether you are looking for your very first home, a vacation getaway on the lake, or just looking to relocate, I am here to guide you through the process. My goal is to not only inspire a positive experience, but have a lasting impact in every aspect of life through real estate transactions. My expertise and knowledge of the area allows me to utilize a collaboration of strategies including negotiation tactics, technology, marketing, and customized comprehensive packages to meet your individual needs.

Contact Information

License# 120723

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Areas Of Service

Explore The Area


Mountains & Trails


Lake Front & Lake Side







"Amanda is incredible! I was more than pleased with her performance on selling my house. She is the Bombdiddly!"
"Amanda is exceptional to work with. She’s caring and considerate of her clients needs when pursuing real estate. Her loyalty and steadfast spirit to discover what’s best for us are traits I admire."

Offered Services

This isn't just a job, it's my life. I wake up in the morning focused on your goals and eager to make your life easier. Bottom line, I'm here to help guide you to the best result... not just the result that's most convenient.

For Buyers

Find Your Home

For Sellers

Sell Your Home


Jacqueline Calle